
How Human Resources Departments Deal with Drug Taking

Drug taking is a problem that companies have to deal with every day. Indiana employee drug testing laws are also something for firms to think about, especially if you are based in this area. Some companies choose to drug test all of their employees, while others take a more lenient approach.

There are pros and cons to both methods, and it ultimately comes down to the company's preference.


Drug testing is an effective way to deter employees from using drugs.

Testing is a deterrent to employees because it can lead to them being fired. Drug testing also helps to maintain a safe and drug-free workplace. Everyone ultimately wants that. Staff will want to feel safe and not fear those around them taking drugs that have the potential to injure them in some way.

There are a few different ways that human resources departments can drug test employees to ensure that they do not escape the net. The most common way is through urine drug tests, but hair drug tests and blood drug tests are also used. The important thing is to test randomly and regularly, or just test everyone if the budget allows. It can save money in the long run to do that.

Urine drug tests are considered by many to be the most reliable. This is because urine drug tests can detect drugs that have been used in the last few days. Hair drug tests can detect drug use that occurred up to 90 days ago, and blood drug tests can detect drug use from up to a week ago. All the tests have their different uses as deterrents and in terms of keeping the working environment safe.


An advantage of drug testing is that it is a cost-effective approach. Drug testing is cheaper than other methods of drug detection, such as polygraph tests.

It pays to identify any drug users and deal effectively with them, whether that means helping or dismissing them. Many companies will collaborate with employees to help them, but most will stay clear of employing those with a drug habit in the first place.

Certain types of businesses have no decision to make about eliminating drug users from their workforce. For instance, when a patient’s or customer’s health might be at stake or a dangerous piece of machinery is being operated.

Identifying Drug Users

Setting up a drug testing regime allows companies to identify drug users sooner rather than later and get them some help if they need it.

It makes sense to identify drug users before employing them but when they are identified among your existing staff, who you have already invested time and money in training, it makes sense to see if they can be helped first before simply letting them go.

You will, with this approach, want to identify staff who are becoming addicted to drugs before it is too late so that you can quickly deal with the problem. It is a useful thing to achieve and the morally right thing to do as a business if you are able. We cannot, however, ignore the cost implications to a business that may already be struggling to survive in a competitive world.

The Practicalities of Administering a Drug Testing System

However, drug testing can be expensive and time-consuming. Additionally, some employees may feel that drug testing is a violation of their privacy. Human resources, alongside finance departments, will have to juggle all this to decide on the best way forward. It might vary from one business type or size to the next. It is good to know that drug testing facilities are there to help protect employers and their employees.

Companies that choose not to drug test their staff run the risk of increased accidents, high staff turnover rates, and low productivity levels. It makes sense to have a system in place that tests potential employees as well as regularly testing existing ones for banned substances and drug misuse.

It is the responsible and safe thing to do as an employer, as well as being a tool to increase productivity.

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