How To Get An Awesome Job In Engineering
Do you feel your current employment solution keeps bringing you down? Are you spending more than seven hours each day out of the house for little more than the minimum wage? Then retraining to become an engineer could be exactly what you’ve been looking for. There are plenty of well-paid jobs available in this industry, and most of them are easy to come by if you have the right qualifications, and you show willing. With that in mind, today I’m going to spend some time explaining what you need to do to realise this goal. For the most part, the path you need to take is simple and enjoyable, but you’re still going to have to put the work in if you want to succeed.
Don’t get me wrong, you certainly don’t need to be exceptionally intelligent for this role, and I believe firmly that anyone could do it if they wanted to. Even so, you’ll definitely benefit from reading through the information in this article ahead of time. I don’t claim to be an expert in the field, but I have spent the last couple of weeks researching, which means I’m pretty confident my advice will be of some use to you. So, without any more delays, and without me rambling on about irrelevant topics, here’s everything you need to know about becoming an engineer.
The Qualifications
Firstly, you’ll need to take a look at all the engineering degree options available from your local universities. Which course you take will determine which jobs are open to you. If you’re still undecided as to what you’d like to do as an engineer, just opt for a standard engineering degree, but if you know what kind of employment you’d like to seek out, it might be worth selecting something with more of a focus on specialist areas.
Personally, I’d look for something a bit more focused, as this will allow you to become a true expert in your field. Perhaps you have specific interests in becoming a structural engineer? Or maybe you’d like to spend your time designing and building pipelines for oil companies? Whatever your preferences, opting to take a specialist course will mean you learn far more about that particular area.
The Training
Secondly, you’ll need to spend a couple of years training with an engineering firm before you’ll be ready to apply for the best jobs. Luckily, everyone on your university course will have to do the same thing, and so you should make all the contacts you’ll need to help find a suitable company. While you’ll only get a small wage during this time, you’ll gain all the experience needed to help you attract better-paying employers, so don’t get disheartened with your salary. After all, it will be more than minimum wage, and that’s all most people get these days.
If you’d like to be a little more ambitious, why not trying to apply for one of the country's top universities? Did you know that more than 70% of this nation's best paid engineers attended degree courses at one of the top three? That means those who want the best possible roles have no choice but to take this route.
Of course, you may well have to attend college first to get the qualifications needed to get to university in the first place, and this could take a couple of years. So, make sure you spend a lot of time researching your situation before ploughing ahead. I’d hate to think you quit your job on my say so and then find yourself unable to begin the course you desire.
The Work
Lastly, you’ll have to start thinking about finding that ideal position with a top engineering firm like Ausenco or similar. You can visit this website if you’d like to know more about the kind of jobs these companies perform, but you should have a basic idea already. This is an exciting time, as there are many different, interesting projects you could work on, and you could find yourself traveling all over the world. Just make sure you knock up a stunning CV, and concentrate on appearing confident during your interviews. In truth, engineers are sought after at the moment, so you shouldn’t have any trouble finding work.
If you do have trouble finding work for whatever reason, there are many specialist internet job boards you can look at to find positions a little further afield. For the most part, these job sites are actually pretty good, and they tend to list vacancies from all over the country. Still, if you look here are find nothing to your liking, it might be wise to head out and start knocking on doors. There’s a lot to be said for taking the initiative, and engineering firm owners know this.
Alternatively, you could try applying for positions outside of the engineering field, but that you’d almost certainly be useful for. For instance, you will have gained sufficient skills in mathematics during your degree course, so you get involved with logistics, patent law or perhaps even technical consulting. The skills you’ve gained would be perfect for all these positions.
So there you have it my endlessly ambitious friends. Now you know how to go about leaving your old job and retraining as an expert engineer, I don’t want to hear you complaining about those shift patterns again. Becoming an engineer is no small feat, and many people drop out halfway through the course. Not because it’s too complicated you understand, but because they simply didn’t have the right mindset to see things through.
With the advice and information you’ve just read through, you should be in the best position possible to ensure you make all the right moves at the right time. If not, at least you’ve learned a bit about what it takes to succeed in this industry.
No matter what you do or where you go over the next twelve months, I wish you the best of luck for the future!
See you soon guys!
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