
Three Things to Do as a Release During or After an Incredibly Long Work Week

Depending on who you ask, a good majority of folks today would tell you they do not love their jobs; it’s very rare and unique if someone loves what they do for work. Add on top of your current job, some extra stressful things throughout the week, and you’ve got yourself a dark situation. Don’t get too down however, There are several outlets you can use to alleviate some of the pressure and recenter your focus on finishing your current week or starting a new one come monday. Regardless, here are three things we recommend trying to help avoid a work/stress related blowup.

  1. Regular Night Out

Everyone likes a good old fashioned night out after something pressing and stressful at work. Depending on what you and your friends have going on the next day, make plans accordingly. You don’t want to make a bad situation worse by showing up to work with a killer hangover! Save anything crazy for Friday or Saturday when you can sleep off the night before without worrying about coworkers or your job.

  1. Adult Arcade

If you have never been to a place like Dave & Buster’s, all you need to know is they are amazing. It’s basically like an arcade from your childhood grew up with you and now all the games are bigger and better. This is something you can do during the week. Grab a couple good friends, some money, and go win yourself a giant teddy bear playing skee ball all night. Basically, let the inner child out!

  1. Throw a House Party

This is one for those weeks when you finish, put your fingers in your hair, grab tight, and let out an actual scream. Nothing cures that like a good old fashioned, red cup house party. If you had a bad week, it’s sure that at least one of your friends had a bad week as well. Together the two of you can each call some friends, ask people to bring snacks and refreshments over, and just forget about anything until the next work morning. Again, be responsible, but a nice party will always put a smile on your face. If you have time, go by Bed Bath and Beyond and pick up a new blender for mixed drinks and any other last minute party essentials you may need.

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