
What to Expect from a Professional Land Surveyor

If you want to know the actual size of your land, you can hire a professional land surveyor. The surveyor has the experience, knowledge and the tools that are required to take accurate land survey measurements. A land surveyor is needed to help determine the size of your property, help when you are building on your property and when you want to sell your property.

Skills and credentials of a professional surveyor

Not all land surveyors are the same. They should display professionalism, responsiveness, experience and quality of service. When hiring one, ensure that he or she has or does the following:

  • Professional liability insurance for errors and omissions
  • Provides personal supervision when the land is surveyed from the beginning until its completion
  • Places very visible property corner markers when you walk through your property
  • Provides you with a signed and sealed copy of the land survey
  • Answers your questions regarding the survey immediately

Reasons why you need to know a surveyor's credentials

Professional liability insurance is necessary to protect the client and the surveyor. The insurance is to be used to pay if there are losses that arise from negligent errors or omissions on the part of the professional surveyor. This is important to know because if the land surveyor does not have error or omission liability insurance, you would have to go through litigation to pursue a claim, which could be expensive. It could also take time before the case is settled. See to it that the professional surveyor you hire presents you with proof of coverage.

Ensure that the surveyor provides personal supervision from a licensed professional. It is important that he or she is present and supervising the land surveyor until the process is finished. You should know that there are some surveying companies where the licensed surveyor only rubber stamps the survey results, which could be erroneous.

It is also important to have the land surveying company mark the corners of your property. These markers should be visible. They indicate the actual perimeter of the land that actually belongs to you.

After the survey, the surveying company should give you a signed copy of the plot or survey drawing. The plot must indicate the actual measurements of your land and which property corners were set and those that were found.

You should expect the land survey company you hire to answer whatever questions you have immediately.

Land surveys are needed to collect information for sale agreements or for deeds. A land survey can be used for a lifetime and you may only need the service once. If you are interested in buying property in Essex, hiring a building surveyor in Essex is one of the priority services to consider. Find reputable chartered surveyors in Essex so you can have a definite idea of the actual size of the land you are purchasing.


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