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Accounting and Tax Guide: Financial Guide (Page 2)

How to Plan Your Retirement Years

Nowadays, people are increasingly aware of how important it is to carefully plan their retirement years. This does not only mean planning life from an economic point of view, but also asking yourself some important questions regarding the future. “Will I be able to retire at 55?”, “how much do I need to deposit every month to get a significant income in the future?”, “how much pension will I get?”: these are the most common questions people ask themselves... ❯❯❯

5 Investment Ratios Everyone Should Know

What comes to your mind when you hear the word ‘ratio,’ most probably your boring math classes in the school, which you hated the most and usually like to skip! Well, don’t worry, that’s not the case here.  When it comes to investing your money, there are certain ratios that will help you in assessing the value of the company's stock and are used as a primary tool for fundamental analysis.  It is always good to know about these different types of... ❯❯❯

Mortgage Refinancing: Options Available

Mortgage refinancing means renegotiating the current mortgage loan agreement. This gives you the liberty to access the equity and reduce the cost of borrowing by leveraging at lower interest rates. When you refinance your mortgage it increases the mortgage loan for financing larger expenses. You can use the loan for renovation or purchasing a newer house. There are moments in life when you consider refinancing your mortgage. That is the moment when you... ❯❯❯

5 Questions To Ask Any Leadership Coach Before Hiring One

Business coaching is getting more and more popular every day. It can be very confusing when you are looking for an authentic coach for business because lots of people are calling themselves a business cost nowadays. It is quite overwhelming to find the right person and that is why you need to ask the appropriate questions before you hire them for your business coaching. So that is why in this article we will discuss five questions to ask any leadership... ❯❯❯

How to Write a Business Plan for Small Business

A business plan is vital for any business, no matter small or large. A solid and detailed business plan is a roadmap for your business. It always pushes you to think through your business goals and the validity of your business idea. With a business plan, you can have a clear understanding of where your business stands now and where it is going to be in the future. A proper business plan makes things ready for the next three to five years, incorporating... ❯❯❯

Tips on How to Afford Your Mortgage Payments

Tips on How to Afford Your Mortgage PaymentsOwning a house is one of the expectations that society dictates a person to become an adult completely. However, buying a house is a pretty expensive and time-consuming procedure as there are tons of paperwork involved as well as meetings with different financial advisers. While these are part of the process, potential homeowners need not fret as mortgage adviser Kent firms can help them iron out the kinks in their plans. It makes sense to deal with local... ❯❯❯

How to Save Your Money the Smart Way

Do you ever find yourself in a position where you try very hard to save money but don’t? You have good intentions and do your best to spend less but something unexpected constantly comes up, issues in life cause limitations - the car suddenly needs new globes, your daughter needs a new school uniform, the house needs a new geyser - and before you know it saving your money goes out the window. The reality is, having everything lined up well before you... ❯❯❯

Thinking Of Trading Crypto? Common Mistakes to Avoid

The decision to start trading cryptocurrencies can be exceptionally lucrative, or, unfortunately, it could cost you your hard-earned savings. That is if you make common fundamental mistakes while you're just getting started. Fortunately, follow a few simple guidelines for beginners and do your homework. You will substantially reduce your risks of potentially losing majorly at the end of your trading journey. That said, there are tons of reasons to... ❯❯❯

What is the point of Citi embracing Crypto?

What is the point of Citi embracing Crypto?Is Citi capable of filling the gap left by Tesla? Not that long ago, we covered how Citi had some problems with Financial Times after they published their ‘At the Tipping Point’ report touching on bitcoin. Now the dust has already settled. Back then (which was a few months ago), some big financial institutions were already dipping their hands in the cryptocurrencies’ market, one of them being BNY Mellon. But today, let’s look closely at how Citi is... ❯❯❯

How Can You Save Money with Online Shopping or in Stores Near Your College

College expenses can pile up pretty quickly. Apart from tuition, textbooks, and accommodation expenses, it is living costs that you should keep an eye on.  How to save money at college is one of the common concerns among students. As published in a Forbes article, student debt loan in the US now stands at $1.7 trillion. So, saving even small amounts of money could help you get ahead of the curve and not be held back by financial duress.  Here are a few... ❯❯❯

Quick Cash Loans No Faxing - Hassle Free Access To Instant Cash

You might have already heard about Fast cash loans through the internet or any other source. These loans are used when someone is in instant need of cash. There are a lot of benefits of these loans for startup businesses and as well as individuals. There is no faxing involved which makes it much more efficient. This article will discuss quick cash loans and how you can get hassle-free access to instant cash loans. Fast Cash Loans Fast cash loans are... ❯❯❯

Building your first budget

Get a clear picture of money coming in and money going out One of the most important things we learn in school is mathematics, but unless we’re going into sciences, we aren’t taught how to use numbers in any meaningful way. Financial mathematics is rarely covered, leaving most Millenials not knowing how to build and carry through on a budget. I’ve attempted to list 6 essential steps needed for basic budget management. It’s easier to start with the... ❯❯❯

What Happens When Consumer Proposals Are Rejected

What Happens When Consumer Proposals Are RejectedConsumer proposals are a helpful and effective way to reduce your debt and work towards financial freedom. They help those struggling with large amounts of debt by working with their creditors to come to a payment arrangement that helps the individual repay their debt and the creditors with receiving late payments. Still, not everything is perfect with the system of consumer proposals, and nowhere is this more evident than when they get rejected.... ❯❯❯

Is Gold the Best Precious Metal to Invest In?

Is Gold the Best Precious Metal to Invest In?One of the viable ways to secure one’s future financially is through investments. At the point of investment, it may not be entirely easy since you are not getting the return on investment (ROI) immediately. However, it is still considered a good way of securing a future devoid of financial incapacitation. When you are looking to invest your funds, you will find that there are several suggestions on different areas that you can delve into. One of such... ❯❯❯

How to Manage Your Credit Card Debts in 2021

Credit cards allow consumers to enjoy their lifestyle just the way they want, but it is also one of the commonest ways in which they end up running into debt. The year 2020 has been a difficult one, with people losing jobs worldwide due to the pandemic. It is essential, more than ever, to be careful with your finances. Credit card debt settlement is an option if you find yourself unable to deal with your loans. Here are some methods in which you can... ❯❯❯

Benefits of Online Mediation for Business People

Mediation is one of the ways of resolving a dispute between two parties. Now, traditionally it has been carried out with in-person meetings at mutually agreed-upon locations and terms but lately, online mediation has found its way into the system. Online mediation doesn’t require the involved parties and as well as the mediator to travel to some location and resolve disputes; rather it can be done in the comfort of their respective homes with the help of... ❯❯❯

Tips for Keeping on Top of Wages

Tips for Keeping on Top of WagesAs an employer, you have a duty to pay your employees wages or salaries. For many new business owners, getting used to scheduling a payroll and keeping on top of employees’ pay is a crucial learning curve. It can be hard to adjust and there are a number of legalities that you must comply with. We’ve put together some tips on keeping on top of wages as an employer. Wages vs Salaries First of all, you need to understand the difference between wages and a... ❯❯❯

World's 10 weakest currencies

No one wants to live in a country with a weak currency. It's not only frustrating for the citizens of that country, but it also creates problems for people outside of the nation. A weak currency means costs are higher and goods are more expensive, which is never good if you're trying to make money! That's why we've compiled this list of the 10 weakest currencies from around the world. 1.Venezuela Bolivar Currency Code: VES (old VEF) The Venezuelan... ❯❯❯

How your business can improve its Corporate Social Responsibility

How your business can improve its Corporate Social ResponsibilityBusinesses are increasingly looking to bolster their corporate social responsibility in an effort to boost their social accountability.   Optically, CSR looks great for customers and clients alike, but perhaps the area CSR plays its biggest part is employee motivation, feeling job satisfaction through the work they are doing. How a business goes about incorporating CSR into the business can be tricky, but also important – the smallest of changes can... ❯❯❯

What Is Customer Preference And Why Is It Important?

Many consumers may not explicitly say why they prefer one product over the other. Many marketers out there do a big business by giving in to their consumers' demands, and the more their products and services are used, the greater the amount that they make, and this is pretty much a science. Aside from the availability and prices, knowing the customers' preferences will help you predict the number of products that you'll sell for the month and the price... ❯❯❯